Don’t Fear Failure – Motivational Moonfang

Moonfang Warcraft quotes: "Don't fear failure. Fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today." Adventurer seen attempting to defeat the Headless Horseman. Don't Fear Failure - Motivational Moonfang


Moonfang profile picture

Moonfang – Moonfang always protects her pack! She doesn’t believe in helicopter parenting but if you mess with her babies you will get Fangs of the Moon. Parenthood can be stressful so Moonfang enjoys regrouping with motivational quotes.

Have suggestions for the Darkmoon Times? Email us at today!

Female Demon Hunter – Art Gallery

Art Gallery Banner shows paintings found in World of Warcraft, and features WoW style artists.


This week in the Gallery we have art that will have the Burning Legion cowering in their boots!  FireCatRich has created an illustration that captures the true hatred of the Legion titled Female Demon Hunter.  Within, you can find a night elf Illidari on the hunt for Legion prey with blades, fangs, and more thirsting for vengeance.  You can find more art similar to this piece on FireCatRich’s website along with being able to purchase commissions.  Check back next week to another bit of art from Azeroth!


Within, you can find a night elf Illidari on the hunt for Legion prey with blades, fangs, and more thirsting for vengeance in "Female Demon Hunter"!

Female Demon Hunter by FireCatRich


Enjoyed this piece of art? Find more artists here at our directory!


Picture seen with Silas Darkmoon's signature.

Silas is the founder of the Darkmoon Faire along with the Darkmoon Times. He's always happy to welcome a new face, but will not tolerate ruckus within his faire. When he's not working on the Darkmoon Faire, Silas enjoys roaming Darkmoon's coast in the search for lost treasures.

Have suggestions for the Darkmoon Times? Email us at today!

Are You Participating in Hallow’s End This Year? – Whack a Poll

Mola seen in front of Whack a Gnolls about to lay some smack down in her Whack a Poll.


It is October and things started looking festive across Azeroth this week. Mola loves this time of year. The decorations, candy, and activities give Mola and friends things to do together with new scenery. Mola has done all the activities before but always does some again each year. A certain Horseman always gets a visit from Mola. Some people say it is boring to do it every year, but Mola likes it. What about you?


Are you participating in Hallow's End this year?

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Mola profile picture

Whack-a-Gnoll takes lightning quick reflexes and split second decision making. After years of working the game at the Darlmoon Faire Mola has definitely honed these skills. During her free time she's obsessed with trivia, polls, surveys, and quizzes. She once completed a 50 question survey in 20 seconds.

Have suggestions for the Darkmoon Times? Email us at today!

Though She Be But Little – Motivational Moonfang

Moonfang Warcraft quotes: "Though she be but little, she is fierce." Moonfang gives us a reminder of 2016's Running of the Gnomes and all their challenges! Though She Be But Little - Motivational Moonfang


Moonfang profile picture

Moonfang – Moonfang always protects her pack! She doesn’t believe in helicopter parenting but if you mess with her babies you will get Fangs of the Moon. Parenthood can be stressful so Moonfang enjoys regrouping with motivational quotes.

Have suggestions for the Darkmoon Times? Email us at today!