Making Time – Motivational Moonfang

Moonfang Warcraft quotes: "It's not about 'having' time. It's about making time." Chromie standing near the Caverns of Time hourglass casting a spell. Making Time - Motivational Moonfang


Moonfang profile picture

Moonfang – Moonfang always protects her pack! She doesn’t believe in helicopter parenting but if you mess with her babies you will get Fangs of the Moon. Parenthood can be stressful so Moonfang enjoys regrouping with motivational quotes.

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Blue Dragonflight Crest – Art Gallery

Art Gallery Banner shows paintings found in World of Warcraft, and features WoW style artists.


Welcome back!  This week I have a surprise for all you lovers of the ancient, scaly variety.  Falling Stardusk has created a crest that represents the Blue Dragonflight!  This crest includes all the features you’ve come to know and love of the dragons: sophisticated horns, blue color tones, and symbols we’re still working on understanding.  If this is your kind of representation then head on over to Falling Stardusk’s page and check out all the varieties of objects you can have this crest placed upon!


The Blue Dragonflight Crest includes all the features you've come to know and love of the dragons: sophisticated horns, blue color tones, and symbols.

Blue Dragonflight Crest by Falling Stardusk


Enjoyed this piece of art? Find more artists here at our directory!


Picture seen with Silas Darkmoon's signature.

Silas is the founder of the Darkmoon Faire along with the Darkmoon Times. He's always happy to welcome a new face, but will not tolerate ruckus within his faire. When he's not working on the Darkmoon Faire, Silas enjoys roaming Darkmoon's coast in the search for lost treasures.

Have suggestions for the Darkmoon Times? Email us at today!

Have You Been Fighting in the Demon Invasions? – Whack a Poll

Mola seen in front of Whack a Gnolls about to lay some smack down in her Whack a Poll.


Demons attacking Azeroth more and more. People fighting demons but they keep coming. Some citizens complain this week that defending Azeroth not worth it. Mola disagrees. Azeroth our home. We must defend our home without hope of reward. If we demand compensation, Azeroth will surely fall. Just Mola’s opinion, what do you think?


Have you been fighting in the demon invasions?

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Mola profile picture

Whack-a-Gnoll takes lightning quick reflexes and split second decision making. After years of working the game at the Darlmoon Faire Mola has definitely honed these skills. During her free time she's obsessed with trivia, polls, surveys, and quizzes. She once completed a 50 question survey in 20 seconds.

Have suggestions for the Darkmoon Times? Email us at today!